Brain Massage (6 min)

An energetic massage for the mind, this mini sound bath was played on tuning forks and metal singing bowls, with the intention to provide a moment to focus (or refocus), to clear out mental noise, and to help you to recenter on the task at hand. As with all sound baths, the effects you feel may be different, and I’d love to hear about your experience after you listen.

You can listen to this recording while sitting up or lying down, and I recommend taking a few deep breaths in and out through the nose before pressing play. This sound bath does not include any guidance or chimes to indicate the end of the bath.

Important Note: I recommend that you keep your initial listening volume at 50% or lower, as some tones in this recording are louder than you'll typically find in my other sound baths.

It’s extremely important to me to make Sound Healing more accessible to everyone, so I will always offer a free library of sound bath offerings, in addition to the membership library. But, if you have been helped by my free offerings and would like to express thanks and support of Open Lotus Sound by leaving a review, or with a donation, I thank you!

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Spring Inspiration (27 min)