Spring Inspiration (27 min)

This sound bath (played in April 2024) is inspired by one of my favorite songs, and is played with the intention to provide inspiration and a sense of peace and centeredness as spring begins, bringing with it—as it always does—so much growth and change. This sound bath begins with guided breathing and also ends with gentle guidance to help you return to your day. 

Important Note: This sound bath includes a long stretch of silence once the healing sounds have faded, but rest assured, it is by design! Trust the process, and know that I will let you know when the sound bath has ended and it’s time to return to conscious awareness.

If you’d like to listen to the unguided version of this sound bath, you can get it here, or join the Open Lotus Sound Membership for access to that recording.

It’s extremely important to me to make Sound Healing more accessible to everyone, so I will always offer a free library of sound bath offerings, in addition to the membership library. But, if you have been helped by my free offerings and would like to express thanks and support of Open Lotus Sound by leaving a review, or with a donation, I thank you!

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Brain Massage (6 min)


Guided Hypnosis for Worthiness & Abundance (15 min)